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Genetic architecture: eQTL genomic map

Select sex, tissue and genomic regions to view the eQTL architecture of gene expression. Can also define a specific locus for query.

Gene eQTL
Data Type: LOD
Sex: Both Male Female
Tissues: Islet Liver Hypothalamus Adipose Gastroc Kidney
eQTL Range: Start: Mb (0-1000) End: Mb (0-1000)
Genomic Range: Start: Mb (0-1000) End: Mb (0-1000)
Max. Peak >= (0-1000)
Max. Peak <= (0-1000)
Color Scheme: Red-blue Gray Cis=red
Show Cis Only? Yes No
Equal Spaced Markers? Yes No
Plot Title: Leave blank to use default title
Image Size: Width: (inches) - Height: (inches), Font Size: , Resolution:
Note: This tool may run for several minutes! Please be patient.
UW-Madison Department of Biochemistry Department of Biochemistry
©2024 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System